(a) Regarding new connections:
1. The connection fee for accepting new connections will be determined by the Green Bytes Authority and the connection fee is non-refundable
2. Connection fee and ongoing one month internet package bill must be paid together before taking new connection.
3. Maximum time for new connection to be activated is 1 to 2 working days.
(b) Required documents:
1. Customer shall provide photocopy of his/her national identity card or passport while taking new connection.
2. Every individual user shall provide two copies of passport size photograph, in case of establishment trade license photocopy with company seal.
3. For customers under 18 years of age, the registration form must be signed by a legal guardian.
4. Incomplete or false documents may result in disconnection without notice.
(c) Regarding payment of bills:
1. Every month’s internet bill must be paid by 10th of the month, otherwise the connection will be automatically terminated. The customer can reactivate the closed connection by paying the full bill for that month.
2. In case of disconnection due to unpaid bill, no discount or compensation will be given to the customer.
3. As per government regulations, the customer must pay VAT, taxes and other fees as prescribed by the government.
4. No transaction is accepted without receipt/transaction ID. As per regulatory body guidelines, Green Bytes Authority reserves the right to change (reduce or increase) any fee at any time.
(d) Responsibilities of Customer:
1. Customer shall ensure the maintenance of his computer/device and security of information at his own responsibility. Green Bytes Authority shall not be responsible for any damage to customer’s computer/device or loss of data due to customer’s negligence.
2. Customer may not assign or rent his connection to any other person or organization. And a customer cannot use any other customer’s connection. Exceptions to this rule will result in a fixed amount of penalty being levied on the customer. And according to the amount of damage, the amount of penalty will be determined by the Green Bites Authority.
3. In case there are any parts/devices of Green Bytes authority in Customer’s premises, Customer shall maintain the said parts/devices and give access to Green Bytes representatives/technicians within Customer’s premises after verification of identity card. The representative must be accompanied by the customer himself or a representative of the customer. Green Bytes shall not be liable for any loss or damage otherwise and shall be deemed part of legal proceedings.
4. If the internet connection cable or device is damaged by or caused by the customer, the customer shall pay the cost thereof.
(e) Change of Internet Package and Termination of Connection:
1. A customer can change (reduce/increase) internet package maximum once per month. Downgrade charges apply.
2. If you want to temporarily or completely disconnect the internet connection in any month, you must inform the Green Bytes authority or Green Bytes web support within the 25th of the previous month. Otherwise the customer will be liable to pay the full month bill.
3. If a connection is closed for more than two months, the connection will be completely disconnected. A reconnection fee will be charged if you want to restart the internet after being disconnected for more than two months.
4. If you disconnect any internet connection in the current month, you will have to pay the full month’s bill.
(f) Complaints:
1. If there is a problem in using the internet connection or if the connection is not available, the customer will immediately inform the Green Bytes authorities through phone call/web support/Facebook page inbox.
2. Green Bytes Authority shall not be responsible for any delay in resolving the issue due to late complaints.
3. If there is any problem related to internet connection (from 10 am to 6 pm) the problem will be resolved through the technician on complaint basis.
4. Phone support will be provided from 10 am to 10 pm. Also, the customer can report any problem related to internet connection at any time through Green Bytes Authority’s web support or Facebook page inbox.
5. The Green Bytes Authority will not be responsible for any loss caused to the customer due to unexpected or natural calamities caused by the internet service being stopped, interrupted or stopped. No discount or compensation will be provided for any loss or inconvenience caused by the delay in resuming the service.
(g) Regarding Transfer of Connection:
1. In order to change the location of the Internet connection, it must be informed to the Green Bytes authority by phone or web support.
2. Customer will pay connection transfer fee depending on coverage area.
(h) Other:
1. The customer shall not use his internet connection to do any wrongful / illegal act, which is considered to be contrary to the laws and regulations of the Government of Bangladesh. The customer shall bear all responsibility for such work.
2. Green Bytes Authority is the sole legal owner of all material used in Internet connection. Green Bytes Authority reserves the right to remove any goods after disconnection.
Green Bytes Authority reserves the right to modify, extend or withdraw all the above terms and conditions at any time.
Last updated: 19 January 2024