Nagad Merchant Payment Process:
From App:
- Step 1: Select ‘Merchant Pay’ from Nagad App
- Step 2: Enter Merchant Number 01705449862
- Step 3: Type bill amount and press Next
- Step 4: Enter your nagad PIN and press Next
- Step 5: Tap and hold to confirm
- Step 6: You’ll get a confirmation notification
From Dial:
- Step 1: Dial *167# and press 3 to select the ‘Payment’ option
- Step 2: Enter Merchant A/C Number 01705449862
- Step 3: Enter Amount
- Step 4: Enter Counter Number 1
- Step 5: Enter Reference (Type Your name or GREEN BYTES User ID)
- Step 6: Enter PIN
- Step 7: You will receive Payment Successful SMS